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COVID Safe Plan

For the latest information on restrictions in Victoria, visit In response to the additional COVIDSafe measures announced 2ndJune the has –Implemented the requirement to complete the Victorian Government QR Code Service upon arrival for all staff, students and visitor

Student Safety

Practise physical distancing

Requirements and recommendations Action
  • You must apply the relevant density quotient to configure shared work areas and publicly accessible spaces.
  • Shared work areas are only accessible to workers, and should only include workers in the density quotient.
  • Publicly accessible spaces should include members of the public, and may include workers if they share the space on an ongoing basis.
  • Further information can be found at
    Where possible within the workplace, aim for workers and visitors to maintain physical distancing of 1.5 metres. This can be done by:
  • Displaying signs to show patron limits at the entrance of enclosed areas where density quotients apply for your workplace.

You may also consider:

  • Minimising the build-up of people waiting to enter and exit the workplace.
  • Using floor markings to provide minimum physical distancing guides.
  • Reviewing delivery protocols to limit contact between delivery drivers and workers.


  • Ensure signage for density quotients are displayed in each classroom and kitchen, private study area, library, reception, lifts and offices.
  • Using floor and seat markings to provide minimum physical distancing guides in high traffic areas such as reception and classrooms.
  • Rearrange, remove or cordon off furniture in common areas to ensure physical distancing, stagger seating so staff are not facing one another on break.

EduNex Training Administration

  • Admin staff work on designated desks, in separate office area.
  • Alert visitors and students to physical distancing markings and quotient density limits.
  • Implement delivery protocols to limit contact between delivery drivers and staff. Establish contact less delivery or invoicing with contractors. Display signage for delivery drivers with identified package drop off areas.

EduNex Training Trainers

  • Students are seated one per 1.5m table to ensure social distancing requirements are maintained.
  • Trainers are in separate areas whilst not delivering training.
  • Trainers are to ask students to remain seated where possible to ensure physical distancing.
  • Trainers are to rotate students through practical activities to ensure physical distances are maintained.
  • Classes are to remain in their scheduled room, to ensure the cleaning schedule is consistent with delivery.
You may be required to reduce the number of workers or the number of members of the public at your work premises in accordance with current directions.
  • Start times for lunch and breaks staggered
  • Enrolment sessions/entry to be delivered online
  • Student orientation be delivered online.
  • Students can access administrative and other support services via phone and email so that support officers to do not have to work on campus when there are classes.
  • Theory only sessions are to be delivered online.
  • Inform staff to work from home wherever possible.
  • Group size is limited to below number of students for each classroom to allow for 1.5m physical distancing.
  • Regularly review plan in light of changed restriction levels and information on

Wear a face mask

Requirements and recommendations Action

You must ensure all workers adhere to current face mask requirements, as outlined at

  • Signage, verbal reminders, and staff to student advice regarding the efficacy of wearing a face mask.
  • Bins provided in toilets, kitchens, training rooms and carpark for the safe disposal of PPE.

You should provide training, instruction and guidance on how to correctly fit, use and dispose of PPE.

You should inform workers that reusable face masks should be washed each day after use. However, if during the day the face mask is visibly dirty or wet, it needs to be replaced with a clean face mask immediately.

  •  Post signs to describe when and face masks need to be worn, and how to safely dispose them.
  • Visibly clean face masks are to be always worn.
  • Students without a valid exemption will be asked to leave if they are not correctly wearing a face mask.
  • Additional disposable masks available at reception.
  • Trainers delivering training have the option to not wear a mask while training only.
  • Information about correct wearing of face masks is provided to staff at induction and students in their orientation.
  • Trainers to provide a fresh mask to any students whose mask is visibly dirty.
  • Training administrators to undertake a weekly stock take of masks and re-order when required.
If your industry is subject to additional industry obligations, you may also be required to:
Adhere to additional face mask requirements.

Practise good hygiene

Requirements and recommendations Action

You must take all reasonable steps to frequently and regularly clean and disinfect shared spaces, including high-touch communal items such as door knobs and telephones.
You should:

  • Clean high-touch surfaces with appropriate cleaning products, including detergent and disinfectant.
  • Replace high-touch communal items with hygienic alternatives, for example single-use or contact less options, where possible to do so.
  • Clean between shifts.

Removal of communal items from kitchen and replace with:

  • Single use sugar
  • Individually wrapped tea bags
  • Place individual packaged coffee biscuits in open tray, rather than in jar with lid.
  • Disposable coffee cups and disposable cutlery

Other measures implemented:

  • No sharing of cakes, lunch or bringing of food to share (i.e., Birthday celebration)
  • Doors left in open position whenever possible to minimise common touch points
  • Lights and air conditioners are to be turned on and off once each day.
  • Door handles, tap handles and kitchen benches to be wiped down before and after each class by the Trainer.
  • Practical equipment to be wiped down with disinfectant by student/trainer after each and every use.
  • Students asked to wipe own chair and table down with disinfectant before leaving class.
  • Office staff to wipe down own surfaces and equipment before and after use
  • Deep cleaning to occur weekly.
You should display a cleaning log in shared spaces.
  • An electronic cleaning log will be kept in shared spaces
You should make soap and hand sanitiser available for all workers and customers throughout the worksite and encourage regular handwashing.
  • Hand sanitiser provided around the office including
    dispensers at all entry and exit points, offices, and training rooms and meeting rooms individual bottles provided to all staff and trainers
  • Toilets and common spaces stocked with liquid hand soap and paper towels
  • Signage in all bathrooms and common spaces providing information on how to correctly wash and sanitise hands.
  • Turn off all hand dryers to limit the chance of spread of COVID and provide paper towels and bins in all bathrooms (including ground floor).
  • All bins to be changed at least once a day by Trainer when classes are running.
  • Bins to be changed daily by office staff when no classes are running, and office is in use.

If your industry is subject to additional industry obligations, you may also be required to:

Ensure all areas where workers are working are cleaned at least daily.

The following is completed daily.

  • Students are to be asked to use antibacterial and sanitising wipe on their own table at the end of the day.
  • Trainers to clean all other equipment and facilities used at the end of each day.
  • Cleaning supplies checked weekly by Administration (disinfectant and antibacterial spray paper towel, disinfectant wipes, gloves, masks, sanitiser fluid, soap)
  • Additional all high touch services cleaned before and after each class by the Trainer.
Adhere to additional hygiene training requirements.

If your industry is subject to additional industry obligations, you may also be required to:

Ensure all areas where workers are working are cleaned at least daily.

The following is completed daily.

  •  Students are to be asked to use antibacterial and sanitising wipe on their own table at the end of the day.
  • Trainers to clean all other equipment and facilities used at the end of each day.
  • Cleaning supplies checked weekly by Administration (disinfectant and antibacterial spray paper towel, disinfectant wipes, gloves, masks, sanitiser fluid, soap)
  • Additional all high touch services cleaned before and after each class by the Trainer.

Adhere to additional hygiene training requirements.